
"Do the Right Thing, and You Know What the Right Thing is." -Ken Sheaffer (My Dad)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

OK, I am going to try........

I had one today...... Let it be my last!!!

Kiss goodbye to smoking

If you ever wondered why you should give up smoking then consider the following - It might just make you want to give up smoking for good.

Better sex - Younger-looking skin - Fewer colds.
Below are 10 surprising reasons - that you may never have thought of - to give up smoking completely.

You'll have better orgasms

Smoking furs up your arteries, reducing blood flow to your vagina, which can make orgasms harder to achieve.

Want your man to quit, too? Remind him that smoking can cause impotence by cutting blood flow to the penis. Male smokers also have lower levels of testosterone - the hormone necessary for sex drive and sperm production. Luckily, it's reversible: a study of 20 impotent heavy smokers found that within six weeks of quitting, six of them were miraculously cured.

You'll become more fertile
Women who smoke are about 30 per cent less fertile than non-smokers and reach the menopause nearly two years earlier. Smoking affects your sex hormone levels. It may also damage your eggs and cause abnormalities in your Fallopian tubes.

If your man gives up smoking, he'll also improve your chances of conceiving. Many male smokers have low sperm counts, and the sperm they do have are an abnormal shape and less mobile.

Your bad back will ease up

Smoking makes you twice as prone to a slipped disc. This may be because it reduces blood flow to the cartilage discs between your vertebrae, restricting the amount of nutrients and oxygen they receive. Smoker's cough can also cause the pressure inside your discs to rise, which may give you a bad back.

Your children's health will improve

Second-hand smoke contains twice as much nicotine and six times more carbon monoxide than the smoke you inhale. Smokers' babies are more prone to pneumonia and bronchitis during their first year. And children who breathe in second-hand smoke get more ear infections, pneumonia and bronchitis, and are more likely to develop asthma than their classmates from smoke-free households.

Studies have shown that smokers' children are more likely to start smoking themselves than those from non-smoking families.

Your hearing will get better

Smokers go deaf on average 16 years earlier than people who've never smoked. Experts aren't sure why, but it may be down to reduced blood flow to the ears or because carbon monoxide in smoke damages nerves in your ears.

Your breath will stop smelling of rotting eggs

Tobacco contains sulphur - the chemical that gives rotting eggs their distinctive pong - with cigars and pipes the worst offenders. So it's no surprise that your breath stinks so much when you smoke.

Cuts will heal quicker

The nicotine in tobacco constricts blood vessels, starving wounds of the oxygen they need to promote healing - hence the length of time it takes all those niggling scratches to heal.

Food will taste and smell better

The 4,000 or so chemicals in cigarettes dull your senses of smell and taste - so unpleasant aromas don't seem so bad and pleasant odours don't seem as nice. Smoking can also contribute to your sense of taste deteriorating significantly as you get older.

You'll stave off colds and throat infections better

Smoking impairs your immune system, which means you suffer from more chest infections, take longer to fight off colds and are more likely to get a post-surgery infection.


Your skin will look younger

Smokers in their forties have facial wrinkles similar to non-smokers in their sixties, especially around the mouth, eyes and neck. This is because smoking constricts capillaries, thereby reducing your skin's supply of oxygen and other nutrients.
Tobacco smoke dries your skin and changes the shape of your collagen, skin's natural elastic. Smoke also irritates your eyes, making you squint, which may be another reason you get crow's feet.
However, it is reversible - although some experts say your skin will probably look worse for a few weeks after you quit, as your body clears away toxins.

Info taken from:

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